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Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Monster

De lacey, 

Take back your eyes, 

You miss too much. 

The monster runs loose, 

You could have stopped him had you only seen. 


You cry wolf again and still no one comes, 

Yet the fire still burns. 


Peter isn’t here to fend off this one with his pop gun. 


The smell of fresh cut lilacs get replaced 

With that of morning napalm 

Lacking only the war to surround it. 


The minds jagged teeth never bite straight. 


Did you hit another false bottom 

Or has the free-fall finally stooped your heart? 


The breadcrumbs were long ago eaten by crows, 

So i spend most days walking in circles 

Looking for jacob’s ladder; 

Instead i follow in dante’s footsteps, 

Down is always easier than up. 


Pick up the blade of tomorrow 

Sever the edge between before and after, 

Escape the abiding place, 

Open the cage and let the doves fly free. 


The best things in life can’t be taken, 

Only given. 


Where do you go once the albatross drops off 

But the doors remain closed; 

You're not locked out, 

Instead you’re locked in. 

Am i drinking from an empty well 

Or was the water always for someone else cup. 


The end came before the beginning, 

The crash before the sunday drive; 

You never woo the wall 

It just keeps listening 

Waiting for you to lose your voice. 


How many more days 

Running from ghosts 

And chasing phantoms, 

How many more nights 

Of looking into the abyss, 

For questions there are no answers to. 


No rest until you accept 

You never stood beneath william tells apple, 

The arrow missed its mark, 

The bell never rang, 

No doc brown to fix the clock tower 

Its arms are broken now. 


I don’t like chasing unicorns; 

Hermes can have his shoes back 

They no longer fit. 


The dream strangles me now, 

Leaves me lifeless on the floor 

Waiting for the next chapter to begin. 


I need someone 

Who doesn’t want to live off narcan, 

Who wants to put all the eggs in one basket, 

To have the cake and eat it to. 


What i want 

Only comes from the big bets 

Because if you only risk 

What you’re willing to loose 

Then you never win 

More than you were willing to risk.

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