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Saturday, August 24, 2024


Who do you ask,

When it’s all spent;

Where do you go when there is nothing left…


Use it up like applesauce,

The eggs are all empty

The yoke blown away

Without even a spot of color for all the work.


Put them all in the same basket,

Keep eating defeat until you lose the tase for victory,

When the sun comes up tomorrow

It is just another day.


With time Indecision becomes decision,

Fears become reality,

Dreams drift away on the fiery winds from the burning wreckage within.


Do you take what you want,

Leave you friend on the mountain side,

Or do you abandon your goal and walk back down in defeat…

The mountain will be their tomorrow.


It spins like dice waiting to land,

The closed book,

The hard pass with a squeeze of lemon.


The sign out front tells you all you need to know,

It was pointless before your arrival,

The only change

The amount of light coming through the kitchen window.


It falls on you like the shadow after midday,

Growing until the tall lanky monster is all your left with.


Would haves,

Could haves,

Should haves

Mean nothing when reality is all your left with,

No going backwards,

Even when it won't let go.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Choke down the last bits,

Let the mold hang in the mouth,

No time like the present,

Prepare for the impact before the fall.


Ride the edge between tomorrow and yesterday,

The slow farewell

Where nothing ever ends

Nothing truly begins.


A daily soft repeat,

At the finish you start again

Running backwards

With all the worst bits first.


You’ve lost your reflection

A family replaced with endless doors

All leading to empty questions

 A future of the slow release

Were each step forward

In reality two steps back.


A path leading nowhere

But it’s the nuance that keeps you coming back for more.


A lazy mind

Still looking for shapes in clouds

When all they hold are empty images

Lacking sound and unfit for the blind.


A winters chill in the middle of August

Starts in the chest moving out to the fingertips,

Fills the lungs with false hope.


It stats to lose its luster

When you realize that you’re the only one

Not peaking on your neighbors' hand.


Ignore thoughts the way ice does the cold,

Embrace what’s left,

The lesson doesn’t end,

The dead need to die,

The end is the beginning.